
PE, Yoga & Sports

Physical Education originally meant “education through the body” Yoga is one of the Indian philosophical systems that stimulate the body, mind, and thoughts. It helps improve general wellness by relieving stress and improving mental and emotional health. Sports on the other hand inculcate in children the values that allow them to cope with the highs and lows of life. More importantly, it helps children to develop psycho-motor skills, enhancing their concentration level which is very important in their overall development. Swiss Cottage School provides enough space for these activities at its sprawling campus. The school provides facilities for both indoor and outdoor games such as carom, ludo, chess, badminton, table tennis, cricket, basketball, etc. There is a special facility of Splash Pool for the junior wing. The well-qualified Physical Education and sports teachers are always present to give useful tips to students and hone their sporting skills. The main aim is to develop not only their physical health but also their mental health through various games and activities. While playing games, students develop strong social bonding and leadership skills and learn time management and discipline, which come in handy in their later lives. Here, at Swiss Cottage School, a child’s interest is taken care of with open hearts and open arms where students are put at ease to grow at their own pace. Students feel fresh and active after playing games. All in all, sports activities and improved memory and cognitive functions of the brain go hand in hand. Therefore, students who are good at sports invariably perform better in academics and vice versa.