
Library & Resource Centers


A library is an essential part of any educational institution, giving access to resources that help promote the holistic development of its students. Swiss Cottage School boasts of having one, which is well-equipped to provide students with a wide range of reading material, including fiction, non-fiction, and reference books. The physical environment of the library is in complete harmony with the overall environment of the school: peaceful, relaxing, and easy to use. In order to facilitate ease of access to the reading material, it has a qualified librarian. The library has two sections: junior and senior. The junior section is equipped with a variety of colorful, illustrated books and children's magazines, etc., while the senior section caters to the needs of senior students.

The main focus of the library is to develop children’s interest in books, improve their reading skills, foster team spirit, arouse curiosity, and give them an opportunity to explore and enjoy reading from an early age. It plays an important role in creating a culture, which helps every student to feel free to read and learn in their own desired manner and grow at their individual pace. Here, our students not only ponder in the sea of knowledge but also express their views through their reviews of books, stories, etc. Additionally, the library provides a resource for teachers to strategize their teaching and learning processes; and above all, it helps them to keep pace with the new developments in the field of education. The aim of the school library is to ensure equitable access to one and all.